Road Journal

22 October 2010

On the road… Buxton, North Dakota

Greetings from the van. Pleasant drive today, no news to report, but wanted to check in with y’all. We’re about 20 minutes from Grand Forks (our destination). We stopped in Fargo for gas, but other than that, it’s been a straight drive north up I-29 from Sioux Falls, with zero traffic, blue skies, and flat (FLAT!) land as far as we can see. It actually looks exactly like the northern Netherlands around here (I went there a couple of years ago), minus the canals. Can’t imagine what it would be like to live up here in the winter – pretty bleak and absolutely nothing to do. It’s pretty in its own way – stands of trees like islands in the middle of a sea of rich, dark brown soil and golden, dry corn stalks.

Spoke with the University kids earlier and our hotel’s been upgraded to a Marriott, which is nice. Generally good breakfasts in the morning and nicer rooms. Woot. These college shows are fantastic, because we get a solid 4-figure guarantee for a 1.5 hour show (check in hand when we leave), along with hotel rooms and dinner – and we don’t have to promote or worry about draw; it’s their job to promote the event, run it well, and get kids out. We show up, rock the room, and everything else is taken care of. Pretty nice. Someday we’ll have 10-night shows with 90% college dates and a handful of club shows… for now, we use the college shows as anchors and book club shows around them.

Alright, going to sign off, as the internet around here is spotty at best. We found out that we’re getting a special tour of the UND Hockey Arena when we get there. It’s their pride and joy and is reputed to be nicer than a lot of NHL arena. Should be fun.

Just passed a sign: “Winnepeg (Canada) – 152 miles.” Wish I’d brought a coat.
