Island hopping. (Burlington, Vermont)
I tried to add an update on the road, but we were in the middle of nowhere and had no cell or internet service, so here’s the recap. We’re now in our hotel room in Burlington, Vermont… I’m on the computer making this update while the guys are all watching Jurassic Park and providing colorful commentary as they do. We’re going to catch a bus into downtown Burlington to grab some dinner and hang some flyers and do promoting for the show tomorrow night. This is our only night off for the tour, so we’re enjoying it.
The drive over here was about 3.5 hours and it was absolutely gorgeous. The weather’s not as nice today as we’ve had on this trip – in the 50’s/60’s and overcast – but the scenery was really beautiful regardless. Lots and lots of water everywhere… we decided to take a scenic road (Rt 2 – map here) that hops island to island to island en route from the Canadian border down to Burlington. We passed through a series of tiny towns, deep woods, open waterways, and rivers and creeks and marshes… really, really pretty. Spring hasn’t quite hit up here yet, so most of the trees were bare, but it must be incredible in the fall here with the foliage.
Here are some photos from the van en route…

More updates later tonight, including the all important report on dinner… I’m hoping to find some good seafood, even though we’re not technically on the coast… we’re closer than in Colorado!