New York City
Anton here. The last few days have been great out here in the Northeast. Last night we played in Manhattan, NY, in the heart of Hells Kitchen. We hit some pretty serious traffic getting there on I-95 as we approached the George Washington Bridge, but managed to get there on time despite the delays. Loading in our equipment was interesting to say the least…we had to keep at least 1 person at the van, and in the club at all times to be sure our equiment was safe at all times, and there was a VERY steep flight of stairs to climb into the club, so we didn’t set any speed records.
After getting the sound figured out for the funky/small space, Tanner Walle and his band played a great set of original tunes to get the crowded room warmed up. The room was pretty small, so it felt great with the number of people we had in there. Here is the setlist:
Story Of…
Around the Bend
Nightlite Jesus
The View From Way Up Here
Obey ->
Life During Wartime
Turn My Egg
After the set, we found a diner around the corner and enjoyed some classic New York eats (and PIE!). Here are some pics:
Tanner Walle opening