Road Journal

24 April 2008

St. A’s (Manchester, New Hampshire)

Anton here.  We played last night up in Manchester, NH, at St. Anselm College in the campus Pub.  Other than driving the wrong way down a one way street once we got onto campus (we didn’t get pulled over), we got there without any problems at all.  A couple of the highlights from the evening include the interesting “drinking” policy for musicians playing at the Pub, and being approached by 3 robed monks in the middle of our set to compliment us and to let us know how much they enjoyed our music.  The students that were hanging out had a great time, and told us some hilarious stories after we were done loading out.  They manage  to have a good time up there just fine, it sounds like.  And the setlist:

Story Of…
Around The Bend
Nightlite Buddha*
The View From Way Up Here
Obey ->
Life During Wartime

* The monks were already in the room at this point, and a fan at the show was shaking her head “no” when she realized we were about to play Nightlite Jesus, so we changed the words on the fly to make it a bit less controversial at this venue.  It was a good laugh for sure!

St. Anselm’s Finest.

Post-Show Libations
