At Home at Red Rocks
I wasn’t sure whether to post this in my (Russ) blog page, or here in the Road Journal. I opted for here, because Fred is still here at the end of his tour with us, flying back home to Boston tomorrow. So technically – the “tour” continues tonight. 🙂
And besides – we did hit the road today.
Fred was once out here in Colorado for a concert at Red Rocks Amphitheatre, but he’d not yet been to the place in the off season to enjoy the venue as a public park. So I took him up there today to spend the afternoon relaxing on the stage, staring up at the empty rows of seats, the rock formations, and visualizing it full of SoundRabbit fans someday. One can dream.
We sat on the rocks at the back of the stage for a long time, stood in the middle of the stage for a while, and basically sat in silence, taking it in. It’s amazing that this place is a short drive from my house, and wide open to the public to enjoy at their leisure. I told Fred that I’m going to try and go up there once a week by myself, weather permitting, to sit and take it in. Maybe bring the guitar and/or a notepad and do some writing. No reason not to.
Here are some pics from the day: