Reunited and it feels so good. (St. Paul, MN)
Well – quite a day today. Jay flew in this morning, so it’s great to see him for the first time in 5 months or so. We packed up all of our booth materials for the convention and headed over to the event center at 11am to sign in and set up… and instead, we got there and they informed us that they “have no record of [us] with a booth.” Five of us flying in, and no booth. Awesome. Long (very long) story short, we waited all day and were finally given a booth at 6:50pm, 10 minutes before the convention opened. We scrambled to get our booth set up as the students were all coming in and made the best of it. Met a lot of nice kids, gave out a lot of QR code t-shirts, and managed to kick off the convention weekend in decent fashion. We’ve got another session coming up at 10:30pm, and then we’ll head back to the hotel. Tomorrow morning we’ll have some shopping to do at Radio Shack and some printing to do at Kinko’s, to set up a funky little April Fools thing at our booth. We’ve got a show at St. Thomas University on the other side of town, so we won’t be at our booth – and had to think of something clever to have there in our absence. We’ll fill you in later on it… for now, some more photos from today…