
April 12, 2012

Hello, Chicago.

Had a nice drive to Chicago from Iowa City today – a short 3 hours or so. It may have been the first time in the history of SoundRabbit that we drove through Walcott, Iowa without stopping at the World’s Largest Truckstop –  but don’t fret… that’s only because we’ll be visiting it on Sunday. We arrived in the city on a Ferris Bueller-esque day. Our ever present Tour Manager, Fred, flew in from Boston this morning and we met him at The Map Room in Bucktown, fairly close to The Tonic Room, where we’re playing tonight. It was easy to spot Fred, sporting his “Razor Fist” t-shirt that we got on tour in Madison a couple of years ago. On the back of the shirt: “Sex, Drugs, and Metal.” Yep. We may steal that for our line of SR t’s this year. Fred sat patiently at The Map Room for about 5 hours today, awaiting our arrival, and when we met up, he had a beer for Anton and an amazing chocolate whoopee pie for me. We’re heading to the venue shortly, more from there…




April 2012

Where’s the flying rabbit monster?

We inadvertently stayed at a castle last night outside Iowa City. There are few things better than seeing an entrepreneurial small business owner try something funky and succeed. Particularly when they provide us more photo opp’s. I missed the continental breakfast scene this morning by the pool, but according to Anton, it was quite a medieval bash. Yes, that’s a moat (with fish) at the main entrance below. Killer.


April 2012