Home Sweet Doane. (Crete, Nebraska)
Anton’s driving and I’m updating the Journal here from the passenger seat, cruising westbound on I-80 through Nebraska. Really fun show at Doane College at lunchtime. The students were awesome, the staff at the school were awesome, and we made some new fans and friends for sure. We signed a few autographs, gave away an SR hoodie to a girl who guessed correctly what the item is in the TTA cd artwork, sold some CD’s, and we expect to see a bunch of new “RBT” sticker photos come through from Crete in the coming weeks and months. There were some kids singing along to “Don” and ‘Hazel” right from the start, which is cool to see. All in all, a really fun day and well worth the trip. Here’s how the setlist panned out:
Message In A Bottle
Story Of
From The World I Have Known
View From Way Up Here
Turn My Egg
Nightlite Jesus
Years Ago
We swung by the Kava House restaurant in downtown Crete at the recommendation of some Doane students, and enjoyed some sandwiches before heading out of town. I also picked up a new t-shirt to add to my collection, which is quite awesome.
We’re driving by silos and blurry cows and cornfields, under grey skies. No rain yet, so it’s actually nice driving weather. We’ve had good luck on the last couple of trips across the midwest and west.
Next week we play in Denver, and then we head to the Western slope (western side) of Colorado, playing another college show and club show. A week after that, we’re planning a trip to Virginia to play around DC, Virginia, and North Carolina – details TBA on that as soon as we get it all confirmed.
Some pics from the road:
Downtown Crete
Anton LOVES this place.
Salad. Water. Hot Chocolate. Chicken. Fries. Mmm.
New t-shirt.
Martial Arts Dance. (Crete, Nebraska)
Wednesday, September 8 – 2:49am Crete, Nebraska time
Greetings from the Super 8 Motel in Crete, NE. Anton and I arrived an hour or so ago, after an easy 80 mph-cruise-control-on-the-entire-way drive from Boulder. We took a spin around this small town (6k people) tonight, looking for the hotel. Seems like a funny little place – a giant factory at one end of town, some train tracks, and Doane College (where we play tomorrow) at the other end. Definitely a western agricultural feel to it, with feed stores and a Walmart dominating the commercial scene. It was amazing to see how far East the smoke from the Boulder Fourmile fire has gone… we were well past civilization in Eastern Colorado tonight and still seeing the smoke line.
We play at noon tomorrow in the Campus Center, evidently a place where the students go for lunch, so there should be a nice little built-in crowd. Doane is a tiny school of maybe 1,500 kids or so. We met them and booked this show through the St. Paul college booking convention covered in some earlier road journal entries.
Okay – bed time… more tomorrow after the show. We’ll leave you with a photo from downtown Crete:
Family Martial Arts Dance