Whiffle. (Boston, Massachusetts)
Score of the first annual SoundRabbit whiffle whammy tourney… Jason/Beers 11… Russ/Fred (crew) 9. That’s right, Jay and Beers killed us with a late-inning pop fly that I tried to catch behind my back for style points. Ghost runner scored and we were done. I hate losing, but at least we went down in style. Showering and heading to New York City in an hour or so…
Tuesday, April 22nd – 3:25am Boston, MA time
About to hit the rack… enjoyed the Middle East set tonight, though I (russ) had some major problems with my monitor setup, so I wasn’t able to use our usual “in ear” system. The result was not hearing myself half the night, and playing with different ‘hearing’ than the other guys… so it was strange. Just listened to the recording that we got of the night, and the lack of monitors is pretty clear on a few of the tunes. Good lord. There are a couple of notes on Relief that are sung literally in a completely different key. Ouch. Oh, well… some day we’ll be able to afford our own sound person, and we’ll love every minute of it. Overall, though… decent show. Here’s the setlist:
View From Way Up Here
Eoghan, Late Saturday
Story Of…
Around The Bend
Marula Binge
Obey –>
Life During Wartime
Nightlite Jesus
Turn My Egg
In a few hours, we’re getting up and meeting outside for a 2-on-2 whiffle ball game. This Inn we’re staying at is AMAZING. Here are some pics from the property… and we’ve got it to ourselves (literally):
Rochester, NY –> Massachusetts
Hello from Massachusetts. We’re driving down the Mass Pike (I-90) right now, heading for the Inn that will be staying at tonight. Dropping our bags off and continuing on to Boston to load in at the Middle East. Had a great show in Rochester, NY last night… here’s how the setlist broke down:
Story Of
Marula Binge
Eoghan, Late Saturday
Nightlite Jesus
Obey –>
Life During Wartime
Turn My Egg
Sold a bunch of merch, made some new friends, got invited back to play again, so all was swell. Stayed the night at Anton”s dad’s place last night in western Massachusetts, got to see his brother’s Nascar race car with the “RBT” and “SoundRabbit.com” stickers on it… got some good photos of us all trying to climb in and out of it. Never realized how tight those things are… and how race car drivers scramble out of a car on fire. Crazy.
Tonight’s show should be a blast… we’re hearing from a lot of people who are coming out and bringing a lot of people each, so with any luck we might have a surprisingly full room for Monday. The venue is 200 capacity, so it will be great to have it relatively full. The weather today in MA is absolutely perfect… 70 degrees and sunny, we’re driving with all of the windows down and enjoying the humidity. I’ll load up some photos in a second… I’ve got the World’s Largest Truckstop, Rochester, and western MA to load up. More later…
Erie, Pennsylvania
Anton here…Everyone has been taking turns “sleeping” in shifts back on the benches. Right now Jason and Chris are trying to catch some rest, Russ is driving, and I’m riding shotgun and writing this. We have caught a few glimpses of Lake Erie off to the northwest – looks calm out on the water from here at least. We just have a short stretch of PA to drive through before hitting NY state, but it is really starting to feel like the east coast at this point. We were joking about stopping by Niagara Falls for a quick visit, but probably don’t have time to spare.